Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth in wisdom and the teaching of kindness is
on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and
does not eat the bread of idleness. Charm is deceitful and
beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
I once heard the illustration of a mother being compared to a protractor. When you use a protractor, the center (or the mother) stays steady in one place while the pencil (her family) moves around her. This sounds a bit daunting I know, but let us look in comparison to all we have learned this far about God and His intentions toward us and for us.
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that God is Sovereign.
• Galatians 5 encourages us to walk by the Spirit, which is not emotional.
Colossians 3:23 tells us that everything we do is for the Lord.
• The most valuable aspect of this is our heart attitude.
Psalm 139 expresses how intimately God knows you as your Creator.
• His grace allows Him to work in your best interest, because you are precious to Him and He loves you. That is something sure you can trust.
Colossians 3:12-15 shows us how to outwardly express our hearts.
• Ephesians 4 calls us to put off our old self first, so that we can forgive and experience the fullness of God’s joy.
You may be looking at the idea of leaving a legacy as a huge task, and you would be right! But, let us gently be reminded from last week that we will not be able to do this perfectly, but only through God will we even be able to make an honest effort. So, we can relax and trust in the power of God’s redemptive work in our own lives to show us the direction He would have for us in leaving this legacy.
Deuteronomy 6:4-8 tells us that the passing on of God’s truth to the next generation is so important that it must be done in all things! Now, by what means does God tell us to do this? Yes~ by talking! (He knows us so well!) Before we get too excited, let’s take a look at the following verses:
o Luke 6:45
o Psalm 119:11
o Psalm 19:14
Now we know what we are to be talking about and when. The how I really do believe is your journey as you walk with God. Each family unit is structured so uniquely, that God will give you the perfect insight to knowing how to more effectively reach the heart of those you spend your day investing in. Seeking wise counsel from older women or those around you that see are doing it God’s way is also a great place to start!
We must do the same thing as we journey in leaving our own legacy. Families are not perfect, because we are not perfect. So, we must have a whole-hearted trust in the knowledge that God is working and that He will bring about what He wants, as long as we remain and abide in Him and be faithful.
Luke 6:43-49 & Proverbs 24:3-4
Our homes must be (1) grounded in wisdom, (2) strengthened by understanding {or good judgment} and (3) prospering because of our continuing in the pursuit of knowledge.
If we are building our house on anything else, we labor in vain. (Psalm 127) How heart-breaking it would be to have spent years of our life investing in those things that do not matter. Deuteronomy 6:5-7a says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently…”
Here is our starting point for what God is concerned with when we spend time leaving a legacy. God’s word, as He has showed us so faithfully each week, shows us what He has to say about all aspects of our life! (Psalm 139:16-18)
What is the focus of your home right now?
How does this line up with God’s agenda for your home?
In what ways have you sought God’s knowledge on knowing how to reach the heart of each
person (individually) in whom He has asked you to invest your time?
What kind of legacy do you desire to build and leave?
Melissa, I love your blog!! It is so inspirational to me; I want to be the kind of wife (and one day mother) that God intends for me to be, and I feel like you have so much wisdom to give...even though you are still so young- you have a few more years of experience than I do :). Thank you for sharing what God lays on your heart.
He has greatly gifted you in that area-you should write a book!
-I don't know why it doesn't let me sign as Anna since I have a google email account (as opposed to our blog account)... Anyway, I posed that last comment :)
Thank you so much~ you are so sweet! I have missed blogging and hope to get back in a routine again! I KNOW God has much to teach me as a wife and a mama of 3 boys!!
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