Friday, March 13, 2009

NewLens Challenge: Days 15 & 16

We have made it halfway ladies! I pray that this challenge is becoming more natural and you are finding true joy in encouraging and loving your husband and children through God's lens! For this weekend, the Sunday challenge is one for the whole family to take part in together~ Have a blessed weekend :)


Day 15 Ask your husband for sometime to pray for him. Spend a little time searching his heart (letting God lead your words/questions) and then pray for him about those things he shares. Don't forget to pray for perseverence to reach those goals he shared with you earlier in the week. If you are unable to actually pray with him, then set aside at least 15 mins to pray for him.


Day 15 Kneel beside your child's bed with them and pray with them and for them. Ask them about some things they would like to talk to God about, then model talking to God like He is right there with you.


Day 16 Plan a family movie or board game night. OR if your husband enjoys doing something else as a family that you are able to do, then plan time for that! Turn off the phone and let your family know that you are "all theirs" for the night. Maybe even have some fun things for supper like popcorn, pancakes, waffles.... you can think of something fun! Enjoy one another and pray together as a family, thanking God that He has put you all together as a part of His perfect plan and purpose!

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