Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just get about doing something!

The title of this post was a quote from guest speaker, Pradip Ayer , who spoke at our morning church service today. He was referring to getting busy about the work of God's Kingdom. Yes, we should be praying for God's direction, but there IS someplace He wants to use His children. We are bond-slaves of Christ and we need to have more of that attitude. We do not need to just be sitting around waiting and waiting, we can be doing something now!

God is really at work in my heart right now about something MUCH bigger than myself, so I am just being still and seeking and listening. I now this is something I cannot afford to be half-hearted about discerning, so I am keenly aware of all that He shows me right now about this certain area. can pray that I would listen well and be attentive to His still small voice.

Yesterday, I was at one of my very favorite blogs by Willow. What I appreciate the most is that she is so honest and challenging. I never leave her blog without feeling spurred on to follow harder after God. So go and check out this post. We can all do something small to make some kind of difference.

I also added a new link on my sidebar about unreached people groups in the world. Stop by and see who you can be praying for today! Here is also the link for the catalog Willow mentions in her post.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to hear about what God may be putting on your heart Melissa! I think sharing is such an awesome way that God can reveal to us the areas where He wants us to get to work.

The other day I was listening to a John Piper sermon downstairs and Jeremy actually was listening to the same sermon upstairs without me knowing it. :)

Piper mentioned a newsletter that he uses with his family in a devotional type way that gives info about various people groups and their needs/struggles and is a great oppurtunity to grow in awareness and pray for them as well. I'll let you know more about it when it comes.

Oh and by the way, I saw on your booklist Ginger Plowman's book....I keep meaning to do a book review on my blog about her book. SOOO good :)

Melissa said...

Willow~ I would love to know more about the newsletter when you find out. I love John Piper I listen to about 2 of his sermons a week (2 times each to get real clarity and understanding!)

Ginger's book was so great because of all the practical advice and scenarios she gave.

I am enjoying being quiet before the Lord as He reveals bits and pieces for me. I know the most important action step for me is to say, "Yes, Lord I am willing." God knows no urgency in the big scheme of things, so I choose to be steadfast and wait upon Him! I appreciate your prayers for me to do so consistently.

Thanks again for your honesty, I always look forward to reading your blog! Take care

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