I had the privilege of co-leading a group last year with on older wiser woman and I am leading a group this year on my own. We are meeting one Saturday a month, so I thought on the Saturday we meet I would share one nugget of truth from Titus 2.
The first four qualities speak to the "older women," which by biblical standards is one of the approximate age of sixty. But, age alone does not qualify a woman to leave a godly legacy. She must be one who has done the work of raising her own chidren and honoring her husband, or serving the needs of the less fortunate and being devoted to good works. Her life needs to be an example of God's Truth in action. So, here we start with "reverent in their behavior". This is a complex topic that has many small bits and pieces. As we studied all of the qualities last year, we could always find our way back to starting with reverent behavior. So, are you ready for the defintion of "reverent in their behavior?" It is having God-centered daily living which flows from a personal relationship with God; resembling that which is important to God and stems from a heart that desires to obey God.
The heart of this older woman, sees all of life from God's viewpoint. If you were to watch her walk through her day, you would see what is next to God's heart! What a beautiful picture of bringing honor to God through one's daily life and choices.
I am not an older woman. I hardly qualify at the age of 31 with two small boys at home. So, what is there for me to learn from this quality for the older woman? Well, to be honest quite a bit. I will start by telling you that I desire to become an older woman, so I must be practicing! I will not just arrive at the age of 60, with my children grown and suddenly be wise, reverent and so on. No way, not on your life. How will I get there? It will be by my choosing to study God's word, to be obedient and to do this over a lifetime.
The only way I know how to to this is to never lose my first love for Jesus. He must permeate my life in every aspect. I heard Rick Warren say recently, "If you haven't prayed about something, you are doing it on your own." I have left Him out of the picture. How do I know what is next to God's heart if I am not pursuing Him? It is impossible. I think back to when my husband had decided he wanted to "date me for the rest of my life." We both spent a great deal of time seeking out ways to know one another better. He spent time listening and remembering what was close to my heart and I did the same with him. Now, after nearly ten years of marriage we know much of each others heart and we are still seeking to understand new facets of each other. As we grow, so must our devotion to learning about one another.
Now, God does not change or grow, but there is so much to know about Him, that even in a lifetime, I will not come to know all that is next to His heart. But I must be trying each and everyday. This will not happen by accident or luck. We, dear women, must make the time and take the time to learn about God, so that we can live our lives in such a way that we show the world what is next to His heart.
What have your family or friends seen in your life today that is a precious picture of God's heart? Where can you start to live this out on a daily basis. I pray we will all quiet ourselves before our Heavenly Father and seek to know what it is He desires for us to surrender, so that we do not lose sight of our first love. Oh Father, how I long to know your heart, so that I can live accordingly.
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