Saturday, November 22, 2008


It was 7:30 on Thursday night and I had just tucked the boys into bed. I came up to the front of the house, there was not one light on and it was still and quiet. Oh! How my heart needed to hear from my Heavenly Father.

I sat down in the doorway of the kitchen and fell silent before him. My heart soon begin to pour out to Him and I was gently feeling that warmth that surrounds you when you are still before your Father.

Then, ever so quietly I hear slippered feet on the wood floor coming my way.
"Mommy?" says little one.
"Yes~" I answer.
"Where are you?"
"I am right here."
"What are you doing Mommy?"
"I'm talking to God."
"God is here?"
"Yes baby, He is always here."
Little one sits gently in my lap and says, "I will sit quiet while you talk to Him."

Thank you Father for being small enough to be so real to a three year old. Thank you for being small enough to hear my whisper when I cry out to You~ Oh how my heart longs to know you more today.

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